Magic Items

9 entries found.

Candle of Confusion
KeywordsCrafted, One-Use
This honey coloured candle is made from a variety of Poison Forest saps and nectars (Healing / Poisons Difficulty 18) combined with white wax. When the candle is lit it creates a cloud of thick and cloying perfume. Anyone inhaling this scent suffers from a -2 Int and -2 Pre penalty. In addition the scent of the candle increases all Channeling difficulties by 4. A single candle will burn for 30 minutes.
Carnelian Crdlu
The Carnelian Crdlu is a small statue of a Crdlu Bull carved from orange carnelian. Should the figurine be placed on the ground and the word carved on its underside (in Tancred) pronounced, then figure expands into a full sized Crdlu. This Crdlu can haul loads as if it were 3 Crdlu, and can be ridden. At the end of a day it returns to statue form undamaged, even if it is slain or eaten. It can be used in this way up to 8 times before crumbling into dust.

If the statue is placed in a pile of Crdlu dung for 12 days, it regains one use.
Chadlian Shining Stone
A Chaldian Shining Stone is a white crystal, usually about a handsbreadth long, which emits a strong white light. When freshly unearthed such a stone will light a normal room, but it rapidly becomes dimmer, dying out after about six months. These Crystals are in great demand for lighting the homes of nobles.

While any miner can extract the stones from the ground, a Stonetalker is required to locate new seams. They can do this near Chald if they have Mining 2 and can succeed in an identification roll resisted by a 20 (see Stonetalker rules).
Chalice of Water
A Chalice of Water (there are commonly supposed to be 20 of these items) is a large Bronze cup with a flared base and wide bowl edged with gold. The outer surface of the bowl is divided into 14 panels, each embossed with the image of a women pouring water from a jar. It would make a fine drinking vessel.

If a 40th of a Tirol (around 1 pound) of flammable material is placed within the bowl and burnt, then the Chalice fills with 1 Arin of clean fresh and cool water. Each time it is used one of the figures blackens. If all the images are blackened the Chalice ceases to work.

If the Chalice is bathed in fresh clean river water and carefully scrubbed for at least ten minutes, the blackened figures return to normal.
Cloak of Day's Touch
KeywordsWorn, Defend
A Cloak of Day's Touch is an enchanted feather cloak that has been infused with Red Order magic. The bright feathers depict the red orb of the sun surrounded by the white down of Daybats. A Keldian wearing the cloak so that it can be seen gains +1 Armour and +4 Survival. These bonuses act only under the Red Sun's light, and do not function in the Twilight or Darklands, or during the Passing.
Copper Bottle of Water
The Copper Bottle stands about two hands high and half of one across, gleaming as if freshly polished and closed with a copper stopper. If opened it appears to be half full of dirty water stained green with verdigris and entirely undrinkable. If the contents is poured out, however, it will be found to be crystal clear and drinkable. If the bottle is then stoppered and reopened it will have refilled! The bottle will refill like this up to five times in one day and it contains enough water to fill a water flask each time (roughly half an Arin per use). Possession of the Copper Bottle gives +3 Survival in the Drylands or Deadlands for up to 5 people, +2 for up to 7 and +1 for up to 10.
Copper Hunter
The Copper Hunter is an intricate creature made from living copper, in the shape of a Cudu'djell. When at rest it resembles a delicate statue, it's surface of copper plates engraved with the shape of feathers and scales. The Hunter's wings have 100 individual copper feathers chased with silver, while it's sharp beak and claws are of a silvery bronze. A copper bracelet is attached to one of the Hunter's legs with a fine chain.

If the bracelet is removed and worn then the wearer can command the Hunter to come to life. The wearer may command the Hunter to fly, land, spy, attack or hunt, retaining a link up to 60 Klegs (if the Hunter goes beyond this distance it returns to the bracelet). When animated the Hunter has the same stats as a Cudu'djell save that it has 5 armour. If reduced to 0 Health the Hunter falls to the ground inert. It can be healed 1 Health if the metal is heated for an hour. Red Order magic that inflicts fire damage heals it for 1 health per Rank + EL of the spell.

As well as using it's beak and claws the Hunter can be commanded to pluck out one of it's feathers and drop it. When a feather falls to the ground it explodes with a bright flash of coppery light. This inflicts D6 Lethal damage to anything within 10 Legats, and anyone in that area must roll Phys vs. 12 or be blinded for 1 + failures rounds. Once used a feather is gone for good, and each 5 feathers lost reduces the Hunter's Agility, Health and Movement by 1. Feathers can be replaced (assuming at least some remain) by a Smith with a skill of at least 15 using copper and silver worth 4.
Crimson Eye
A Crimson Eye is a deep red and perfectly spherical gemstone about two fingers across, which cleaves to other stones. It is only ever found with some other stone of power, nestled together with it. The spirit of the Crimson Eye is fiery and fierce, in-tune with the energies of the Red Sun, and it will use that connection to defend anyone who carries it. The bearer 4 points of Magic Defence against Red Order Magic.
Crown of the Shadow Lions
The Crown of the Shadow Lions is a black circlet of obsidian with four sharp points rising above it. Inlaid into this circlet are Shadow Lions, carved from dark gold and onyx. The Crown is sized for an adult Keldian to wear.

If someone dons the crown they will be caught under its spell and will believe that it is their right to rule all those that they come into contact with. The crown furthers this belief by gifting the wearer with amazing social bonuses. They gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Spirit, +2 Presence and +2 Status so long as they continue to wear the Crown. Once the Crown is removed all of these bonuses become penalties for a period of a month, and the wearer is consumed with a desire to put the Crown back on again. Those who have found the Crown in the past quickly come to rule everyone around them, inciting both fear and envy. Unfortunately for the would-be king the powers of the Crown are doomed to fail at some crucial point, with the bonuses immediately converted to penalties as if the Crown had been removed. Anyone under the Crown's influence at this point immediately turns on their former leader, and the Crown inevitably changes hands or vanishes in the resulting turmoil, only to reappear at a later date.