Magic Items

2 entries found.

Eidolon of the Dark Ones
KeywordsWhite Order
An Eidolon of the Dark Ones is a black stone obelisk 3 strides high and 1/3 stride thick, tapering to a short point on the bottom and a long one on the top. Its four main faces are inscribed with arcane marks set into a polished surface.

An Eidolon radiates a malevolent power. Any plants within 5-10 klegs of it wither and grow pale, water sources run dry and animals sicken. Such stones apparently move randomly within their area of effect once per day at the 13th hour. An Eidolon has 8 Armour and 70 Health. A White Order Mage standing within 30 legats of an Eidolon gains 1 less corruption for each spell cast or learnt, even if that makes the spell free.
KeywordsWhite Order, Worn
The Stormcloak (it is not clear if there is more than one) is a full length cloak of grey fabric the exact colour of a gathering storm. When worn, its surface constantly flickers with crackles of lightning, and misty smoke trails from its edges. Anyone who touches the cloak (or whom the wearer touches) takes 2D4 electrical damage. The wearer also gains the ability gather and release this energy into the surrounding air. When they do so they can create a gust of wind like the Wind's Service spell. Putting on the cloak, or using the wind power will cause 1 point of Corruption in anyone other than a White Order Mage.