Zelda Custom Rules
We are playing 5E D&D Zelda by u/ninjabreadbear. You can read the rules here. We are also using the monster manuals by Caleb Wichman and u/gowronatemybaby7
Cooking and Alchemy
A character with Proficiency in (and access to) Alchemist's Supplies, a Herbalism Kit, or Cook's Utensils can use them to create food or elixirs using ingredients, animals, and monster parts.

Ability Check Result | Number of Ingredients |
5 or below | 0 ingredients |
6-10 | 1d4 common ingredients |
11-15 | 2d4 common ingredients |
16-20 | 1d4 rare ingredients |
21+ | 1d6 rare ingredients |
To forage, test Nature or Survival (as appropriate).
If foraging during a short rest, collect half as much.
If foraging at sea, you must have a fishing kit.
Cooking allows you to create normal food, tasty meals, and food with special effects. Food with special effects requires one or more special ingredients (such as Mighty Bananas or Voltfin Trout).
During a rest you can make a meal with one or more ingredients. Make a Cook's Utensils check as follows:
Special Ingredients | DC |
1 | 10 |
2 | 15 |
3 | 20 |
A meal feeds 1 person. For each additional copy of the same special ingredient, or additional normal ingredient, add 1 serving. A portion of rations counts as one normal ingredient. Increasing the serving size does not raise the DC.
The effect of the meal depends on the ingredients used. Adding additional, different, ingredients, with the same effect, stacks those effects, for example a meal containing a Chillshroom and a Cool Safflina gives two stacks of Chilly. An effect marked does not stack means that only the highest bonus applies.
See Also: List of Ingredients, Zelda Wiki Foodstuffs
Types of Meal

Chilly | Reduce fire damage taken by 1 per stack | |
Cooling | Reduce DC of hot weather checks by 5 per stack | |
Electro | Reduce lightning damage taken by 1 per stack | |
Enduring | Ignore one level of Exhaustion per stack | |
Energising | +1 HP per stack recovered per Hit Dice used | |
Fireproof | Confers fire resistance | does not stack |
Hasty | Confers +1ft movement speed per stack | |
Hearty | Confers 1 temporary HP per stack | |
Lucky | Gives inspiration | does not stack |
Mighty | Confers +1 bonus damage per stack | |
Restorative | Gain this many HP when eating | |
Sneaky | Confers +1 stealth per stack | |
Spicy | Reduce cold damage taken by 1 per stack | |
Sticky | Confers +1 althetics per stack when climbing | |
Swimming | Confers +1 athlethics per stack when swimming | |
Tasty | +1 HP per Hit Dice spent while eating | no special ingredient required |
Tough | Reduce physical damage taken by 1 | does not stack |
Warming | Reduce DC of cold weather checks by 5 per stack | |
Water-Breathing | Can breathe under water |
Spices (such as Rock Salt or Chickaloo Nuts) can be used as a special ingredient that gives +1 stack of another ingredient in the meal without increasing the DC to cook it. For example a meal containing a Chillshroom and Rock Salt gives Chilly 2. Only one spice counts in this way for any meal.
Elixirs are one-shot potions with short term enhancing effects. Each elixir requires a minimum of 1 monster part (such as Octorok Eyeballs or Bokoblin Horns) and 1 effect-conferring animal (such as a Restless Cricket). Additional monster parts each count as 100 rupees worth of materials for figuring the cost.
Elixir materials weigh 1 pound for each 500 rupees worth of materials.
During a long rest, you can use Alchemist's Supplies and materials to make one Elixir, or alchemical item (acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap), spending materials equal to one half the item's cost. Materials from more powerful monsters give access to longer-lasting Elixirs.
During a long rest, you can use a Herbalism Kit and plant-based materials to make an Enduring, Energising, or Healing Elixir, spending materials equal to one half the item's cost. Materials from more powerful monsters give access to longer-lasting Elixirs.
See Also: List of Monster Parts
Types of Elixir

Bright Elixir | Confers necrotic resistance | 1,000 rupees |
Chilly Elixir | Confers fire resistance | 1,000 rupees |
Electro Elixir | Confers lightning resistance | 1,000 rupees |
Enduring Elixir | Temporarily ignore Exhaustion | 2,500 rupees |
Energising Elixir | Replenish a Hit Dice | 1,000 rupees |
Fireproof Elixir | Confers fire immunity | 2,000 rupees |
Hasty Elixir | Confers +10ft movement speed | 1,000 rupees |
Healing Elixir | Heal 2d4+2 HP | 250 rupees |
Greater Healing Elixir | Heal 4d4+4 HP | 1,000 rupees |
Hearty Elixir | Confers +1d6 temporary HP | 500 rupees |
Invulnerable Elixir | Confers resistance to all damage | 20,000 rupees |
Mighty Elixir | Confers +2 bonus damage | 1,000 rupees |
Sneaky Elixir | Confers +5 stealth | 1,000 rupees |
Spicy Elixir | Confers cold resistance | 1,000 rupees |
Tough Elixir | Confers physical damage resistance | 4,000 rupees |
The default duration of an elixir is 1 minute. More powerful monster parts can create 10 minute, or 30 minute effects.