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The standard Cleric is the Priest of Au serving at one of the many major churches of Tanaloth. Whether they are responsible for a particular small shrine in the great cathedral, the keep of a sacred well or font, or simply part of the retinue of a Hierarch or an Archpriest most Clerics also have many beurocratic duties to perform. In a city ruled over by the church there is great need for Priests skilled with numbers, with taking accounts and with administrating lists of names and books of taxes. Many Clerics alternate their time between such mundane duties and religeous service. Often the guardian of a small shrine or Chapel will leave his day to day work to a Monk or a Lay priest to give him more time to serve his superiors.

Having such a Lay priest to do your normal duties for you is an advantage equal to the points worth of Duty they allow you to avoid. A normal Lay Priest counts as a 10pt Advantage.

Cleric Cost (58pts)
 Clerical Investment 10pts
 Power Investiture 10pts
 Literacy 10pts
 Status 10pts

 TOTAL 40pts
 Ritualism 5pts
 Duty 10pts
 Vow - Of Truthfulness 5pts
 Vow - Of Temperance 5pts

 TOTAL 20pts
Skills (23pts)
 Theology (M/H)  4pts IQ+0
 Tanalath (M/A)  - 15
 Calligraphy (M/E)  2pts IQ+1
 Ritual (M/A)  2pts IQ+0
 Plainsong (M/A)  2pts IQ+0
 Meditation (M/VH)  2pts IQ-2
 Hieratic (M/H)  4pts IQ+0
 Church Law (M/H)  2pts IQ-1
 Illumination (P/A)  1pt DX-1
 Augury (M/VH)  2pts IQ-2
 Savoir-Faire (M/E)  2pts IQ+1
 Rituals (15pts)
 Consecrate (M/H)  4pts IQ
 Funeral (M/H)  4pts IQ
 Blessing (M/VH)  2pts IQ-2
 Call Beast (M/H)  1pt IQ-3
 Exorcism (M/VH)  1pt IQ-3
 Healing (M/H)  2pts IQ-1
 Curse (M/VH)  1pt IQ-3