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The Canyon Trail
The Canyon Trail is a route right on the extreme periphery of settled land, beyond Wind's Canyon. It passes through a long expanse of wind blown dryland, past white ash lands where trees used to be, to the foot of a mountain range, where it terminates at Kuthar. It once passed over the mountains from Kuthar to Urukag, but this route is long closed.
A minor territory of Ur well beyond Wind's Canyon. Urukag is thought to be long abandoned, since the route through the mountains from Kuthar has been blocked for generations.
A village located at the far end of The Canyon Trail, beyond Wind's Canyon, at the base of a mountain range. Kuthar is a circular town, centred on a natural well located in a mesa. The inner town, built into the crevasses and caves of the messa's interior, is surrounded by a tall stone wall with a number of gates, mainly intended to prevent raids from the wastelanders that live in the mountains.

Kuthar was recently taken over by a Naga, and its population forced to flee to Wind's Canyon.
Wind's Canyon
Wind's Canyon is a complex maze of bazaars, lanes and houses dug into the caves and rock of a narrow point in the canyon. Walls block the approach from Turn, Counter and Sunwards, and the flat tops of the canyon are too high and fragmented for an attacker to use them for launching an effective attack on the town. Hedges of Marama Thorns block the main entry routes a little distance from the walls, funelling anyone approaching along the roads themselves. The gates are of Zerom wood, studded with copper bosses, and always guarded by a small group of Nistran soldiers operating from a fortified gatehouse.

Within the walls, mesas of rock break up the town into small sections, separated by narrow winding streets or passageways. Colourful awnings of dyed Maugey fibre add extra shade, and there are many Hunut and Ganam in the streets. Daybats and Brightflies zip and swoop overhead. People live close packed in Wind's Canyon, with families living together. The main market is near to the Drover's Gate. At the back of this market stands the Low House, where the Clerks are based, and the taxes are tabulated. A little way to the Counterturn and at a higher level is the High House the grander home of the Bonded Ones. A number of smaller districts, located in their own crevasses, surround the main part of the town.

Main routes leading from Wind's Canyon are: The Canyon Trail, leading to Kuthar and Urukag; Ningaur's Steps, leading to Darkin; The Anvil's Way, leading Sunwards across the Sun's Anvil; and Drover's Road, leading to hellgrass Reach.