Gazeteer :

4 entries found.

Ettak's Hold
Ettak's Hold was once a border post of Nammu. Long abandoned, it has recently been garisoned by Ur, whose soldiers are attempting to rebuild the old stone walls. So far, the troops of the hold have made no moves on the nearby Soletta, but it is only a matter of time.
KeywordsVillage, Port
Soletta is a One River settlement near to the ruins of Nammu, a base for adventurers and treasure seekers to venture into the ruins, for good or ill. Officially a scion village of Nistray, Soletta is nearly lawless. The appointed Aedile rarely leaves their palace, and their Bonded Ones are more concerned with taxing treasure looted from Nammu than with preventing people from entering them.

Soletta sprawls along both sides of a river channel, with the Aedile's palace on a low hill on the turnwards bank. Wooden jetties jut out into the dark water, festooned with red and yellow lamps. Most of the habitations are on the counter side of the channel, and the majority of the docks are on the same side.
Sword Landing
KeywordsPort, Derzak
Sword Landing is the name given to a small port village on the Sunwards bank of the One River about 100 Klegs Turnwards of Ur. Although larger and more convenient ports lie to the Counter, Sword Landing is the first spot firmly outside of Ur's control that gives access to the lands beyond Nistray. As such it forms the main landing point for Derzaki and Chaldian ships bound for the Reachway and Hellgrass Reach.

Despite it's strategic importance to Derzak, Sword Landing is not a huge community. Almost everyone here is just passing through, and local industry is confined to ship repair and fishing. The Landing is nevertheless well fortified with thick walls of mud brick and wooden beams, and presents an intimidating prospect to travellers from the landward side.
The One River
The One River, source of all life, and destination of all water.
Overlooks the river