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Night Flowers

This is a generic term for the large and phosphorescent flowers of the Twilight lands. While many of these plants are poisonous someone with the appropriate survival skills can recognize those that have sweet sap (Heal D6 lost through hunger) and which can be cut to give fresh water. There are as many local varieties (and names) for these flowers as there are Twilight villages, and many can be cultivated as food crops. Gardens of nodding blooms are a common site around little village huts.

Some common varieties include:

  • Anzuluma - Wine can be made from the cut vines
  • Burru - Produces sour blue berries
  • Girin - White and Pink edible flowers
  • Hashur - Fist-sized sweet orange fruits
  • Munzur - All parts very bitter, yellow flowers can be eaten
  • Nisag - Flowers can be pressed into wine
  • Nug - Bitter fruits, roots can be boiled (raw are poison)
  • Nuruma - Poison berries, edible shoots
  • Sahharu - Small flowers, peppery garden spices
  • Shennur - Heavy seed pods produce nectar, or be made into paste
  • Silum - Edible, sharp, red flowers
  • Sur - Green shoots and flowers, new stems are edible
  • Té - Yellow flowers dry to orange pods that can be used as spice
  • Tudsum - Mildy poisoned, seed heads swell to bulbs usable as a spice
  • Umah - Grows in the mud, flower pods edible
  • Zulum - Plant stings when touched, green flowers can be eaten

See also Kail Tree