
1 entries found.

Rank 1

KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
When the Mage casts this spell a glowing javelin of living flame forms in his grasp. This weapon can only be thrown (it is of no use as a melee weapon), but will remain in existence until he does so. The Sunspear may be given to another person to throw, otherwise no one but the Mage may touch it.

To throw the Sunspear make an attack using either Ranged / Dart or Ranged / Special (Magic). The Sunspear has a Base Range of 8+Level, Mighty 1, and Initiative 0, and inflicts 2D4 fire damage on a successful hit. Whether it hits or misses the Sunspear flashes out of existence when the attack is done.
power+1 Base Range per Power Level
+1 Damage per two Power Levels