
8 entries found.

Rank 1

KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
This spell allows the Mage to summon an eldritch blue glow which can be directed to strike at any target within twice the Mage’s Level + 4 strides, after a normal To-Hit roll (using Attack + Ranged / Special (Magic). If it strikes the victim takes 2D4 damage which ignores all armour.
BloodPlus 2 strides range and either +1 To-Hit or +2 damage per blood Level.
Shadow Bonds
KeywordsAttack, Aimed
The Black Mage points finger at his target and, if he makes a To-Hit roll (using either Wrestling or Ranged / Special (magic) skill), they are bound by black shadow bonds at wrist and (at a higher power level) ankles. These have a Phys of 15 in the Bright Lands, 18 in the Twilight lands, and 22 on the Dark side and remain as long as the Mage pays 1 fatigue per minute.
power+1 to-hit per Power Level
For +2 bind a second set of limbs
For +5 the bindings renew each hour instead of each minute
KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
When the Mage casts this spell a glowing javelin of living flame forms in his grasp. This weapon can only be thrown (it is of no use as a melee weapon), but will remain in existence until he does so. The Sunspear may be given to another person to throw, otherwise no one but the Mage may touch it.

To throw the Sunspear make an attack using either Ranged / Dart or Ranged / Special (Magic). The Sunspear has a Base Range of 8+Level, Mighty 1, and Initiative 0, and inflicts 2D4 fire damage on a successful hit. Whether it hits or misses the Sunspear flashes out of existence when the attack is done.
power+1 Base Range per Power Level
+1 Damage per two Power Levels

Rank 2

KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
This spell conjures a twisting lash of flame with which the Mage can strike a distant target. The Mage must be able to draw a clear line to the target, otherwise the lash will strike the first target in the way instead of the intended one. The Mage may make the attack using either Ranged / Whip or Ranged / Special (magic) skill as if the lash has +2A and a base range equal to the Mage's Level. A successful lash inflicts D12 fire damage, with physical armour counting for half.

Normally the lash evaporates into sparks as soon as the attack is complete, but at 5th Level and above the lash lasts for 2 attacks.
power+1 extra lash per 3 Power Levels

Rank 3

Fire Sphere
To cast this spell the Mage must first prepare an enchanted sphere of red copper on which mystical designs are etched. This sphere is value 8 and has a Crafting (Mining / Smithing) Difficulty of 14. As part of the crafting process the Mage must cast the spell 3 times on 3 consecutive days, using 11 Fatigue and -10 Difficulty for each casting.

To activate the sphere the Mage casts it into an open fire (use Ranged / Thrown skill against a Defence of 10 - Size as given below), and makes a quick Channelling roll. If the throw and the casting are successful all the flame instantly rises up into a ball of fire which then explodes, doing D10+X damage where X depends on the size of the fire, 3 for a cook fire, 6 for a campfire, 9 for a large grate and 12 for a bonfire, to all in a 7 Legats radius. Each target may roll Agility resisted by 13 to take only 1/2 damage. After the explosion there is a chance equal to 7 or less on a D20 that the sphere is damaged and cannot be used to cast the spell again.
power+2 damage per Power Level
+1 chance of sphere being intact per Power Level
Matrix Strike
KeywordsAttack, Aimed
This spell allows a Mage to target an opponent's Matrix, disabling it with a burst of magical energy. Given a target with one or more Matrices (see Matrix Quality), and the ability to sense them (via Familiar, Passing Gift or similar), the Mage can make a magical attack roll against a target up to 10 Legats away. A normal Matrix has a Defence of 10+owner's level, while a Perfected Matrix has a Defence of 15+Level.

If the attack hits home the target's Matrix is disrupted, visibly crackling with random sparks of energy. A disrupted Matrix cannot be used, either to cast a spell or to provide fatigue, until the disruption ends, in a number of rounds equal to the attacking Mage's Level + 2.
power+1 range per Power Level
+2 rounds disabled per Power Level
+8 power levels to also wipe any spells in the Matrix
KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
With a flick of the wrist and a shriek of superheated air the Mage unleashes a bolt of brilliant fire at a target. The Sunbolt requires a normal attack roll (using Ranged / Special (Magic) skill) to hit, has a base range of 12+Level, and inflicts 2D6 fire damage on a successful hit, igniting anything flammable that it strikes. Unlike most aimed attacks the Sunbolt is not blocked by intervening targets, it will simply go around them. It similarly ignores cover modifiers to the Mage's attack roll.
power+1 damage per Power Level

Rank 4

The Sun in Battle
This spell conjures a huge sphere of burning light that hurtles through the air. Anything it hits takes 3D6+1 fire damage until it impacts the ground, where it explodes doing 3D8+4 damage in a hemisphere with a diameter equal to the Level of the Caster. The Mage controlling the spell may try to keep the sphere in the air each combat turn by rolling Int resisted by 15 each round. If he fails the sphere impacts. If he succeeds the sphere may move up to 15 legats, striking tagets as it goes. If the Mage wants to hit anyone with that movement he must make a To-Hit roll (using Ranged / Special (magic) skill) at -4. The sphere may hit multiple targets per round by splitting Attack as normal.

It is possible for the spell to be cast by more than one Mage at the same time. This adds +1 damage and +1 diameter per Mage involved. More importantly it allows each Mage in the spell to make a roll to control the sphere each turn, so should the first Mage fail there are still more chances. All Mages involved in the spell gain 1 fatigue each combat turn that the sphere is maintained.
power+1 damage per Power Level
+2 legats movement per Power Level
+1 Int for control per Power Level
+1 Attack per Power Level