Examples of my work

web application desgin - web based games - web design

Web Application Design

Univeristy Degree Regulations (PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS)

The University of Edinburgh Degree Regulations and Programs of Study is an ongoing project to place all of the University's course and degree information online. The current online version was produced entirely by me during a one year contract with the University.

Group Selection Tool (CFM, MS Access, Perl, WebCT)

The Group Selection Tool was a major project at the University of Edinburgh extending the functionality of the WebCT VLE by adding the facility to create arbitary groups of students for essays, classes, supervisors and so forth. The tool is integrated with WebCT, and supports transparent authentication from within WebCT. The tool is mainly written in Cold Fusion and SQL Server, but also involved server-side perl scripting from within WebCT.

SWAP Football Challenge (CFM, MS Access)

This is a series of Football based quizzes designed for SWAP, an organisation supporting mature students trying to get into higher education. The quizzes test Scottish football knowledge while also assessing core skills that might be useful in higher education. It is designed to lead users into the main SWAP site by demonstrating that they have more skills than they might believe. It is implemented in ColdFusion and Access.

Event Index (CFM, MS Access)

This was another major project at the University of Edinburgh, providing a customisable tool for advertising events being run by multiple departments. As well as advertising it provides online booking, event administration, email facilities and reporting. The system is designed so that the page appearance is controlled by templates, so that the same information can be presented in the house style of multiple departments and units.

Compare the following

E-Learning @ Ed Website (CSS, PHP, CFM, MS Access)

This is the central E-Learning website for the University of Edinburgh. I was responsible for the design and creation of this website, including the creation of most of the graphics and content. This site involves a heavy use of PHP, especially in its accessibility enhancements, as well as a number of database-driven sections implemented in ColdFusion and PHP.

The site also includes a syndicated news feed system. This displays news feeds from multiple E-Learning related sites. This uses XML, XSLT and CFM.


This is the website of a Physics related unit at the University of Edinburgh. I was responsible for the general web design and layout, as well as the authoring of their archive of past papers, which used ColdFusion and Access.

Web Based Games

Grophland (MySQL, PHP, HTML, Photoshop)

This web based game is entirly writte, designed, programmed, implemented, and managed by me. It has proven very popular and has thousands of users. A guest login is avaialble if you wish to view the site, login test and password test.

Web Design

SWAP (HTML, Photoshop)

I provide general web adminsitration of this website. Although I was not responsbile for the main design or layout, I have worked on the front page graphics, site reorganisation and accessibility.

www.woodburningstoves-ltd.com (PHP, MySQL, Photoshop)

This company website was produced with SabreIT. I was responsible for the databse, coding, shopping cart, and HTML implementation.

www.mary-adams.com (PHP, MySQL, Photoshop)

This company website was produced with SabreIT. I was responsible for the databse, coding, shopping cart, image download, HTML implementation, and some of the graphics.

www.footballtops.com (PHP, MySQL)

This company website was produced with SabreIT. I was responsible for the databse, coding, shopping cart, polls and HTML implementation, but not the graphic design or site organistation.

Social Work @ Ed (PHP, Flash, Photoshop, Real, Education Design)

This is the website of the Social Work department at the University of Edinburgh. I was responsible for the design and layout of this website, as well as the construction of all the pages. Of especial interest is the teaching materials in the InteractiveEAL. I designed and produced all of the materials in this section, which included education design, graphics, layout, authoring text, and the use of animations and video.

Personal Website (PHP, MySQL, Photoshop, Perl, CGI)

This is my personal home page.