
Dishonor, Defence and Attack

This article was written in response to a post on the Scorpion Clan list asking about ways to put together a Dishonor deck that could respond to both fast attack decks and the slower more controlling style of honor and FETA decks. Its always a challenge having the tools to hold off a fast attack and also have the dishonor for a long game. For this reason most of us use one of two methods (or both) for defence.


Despite the usefulness of the Shadow Stonghold a lot of people will use the Yogo or Ruined fortress for the defence they give (high province strength or bowing)


A lot of dishonor players will also use defensive events The best of these is Death of the Ki-Rin, along with Emperor's Peace (much easier to find) Hidden Emperor or Return of Fu Leng (which is defensive because it slows the opponent)

Of course both of these can be enhanced by the use of the ever annoying Rise from the Ashes, that prevents honor gains and attacks

The best answer to both military and FETA is of course the dishonor itself, slowing your opponent down by restricting who they can bring into play. This is usually supported by a lot of personality kill so that people in play are also removed to keep you safe. The dishonor cards you use depend on taste, but they are usually split into 4 groups.

(1) - Direct Dishonor

Breach of Etiquette
Unrequited Love
Secrets on the Wind
Wind's truth
Plea of the Pesants
Command of the Kami

(2) - Personality Control (dishonor style)

Force of Will
Test of Honor
Kolat Master (honor loss to redirect)
Kolat Assassin (ditto)
Wasting Disease
(also Jomyako & Aramoro & Abbandoning)

(3) - Counter Cards, to stop their deck

Confusion / Command of the Kami
Bad Kharma
Sun in Shadow
(others to taste)

(4) - Defensive / Support Cards

Rise from the Ashes
Banish All Shadows
Face of Ninube

When you build your dishonor deck you will be largely drawing from these classes, the balance is up to you. Some people like more card drawing to get the right things, some people count on having more personality control to do the job, some people just play to cause the maximum honor loss in the minimum time and hope for the rest to protect them.

Usually the Dynasty side follows the same pattern, a split between dishonor causing cards, defensive cards, and denial or disruptive cards that will make it harder for your opponent to respond to what you are doing. e,g,

(1) - Honor Loss Cards

Den of Spies
Corrupt Holdings (with the wind's truth)
Dark Oracles (with basic Goshiu)
The Fallen Lion Fortress
Revering the Past
Goshiu (all versions)

(2) - Disruptive Cards

Proposal of Peace
As the Shadow Falls
Soshi Jomyako
Bayushi Aramoro
Doom of the Dark Lord
Abbandoning the Fortunes
Kolat Duplicate
Emperor's Underhand

(3) - Defensive Cards

Emperor's Peace
Death of the Ki-Rin
Hidden Emperor
Return of Fu-Leng
Iris Festival (for some decks)