
Histories of the Scorpion 1

This document, written by the notable Bayushi Kayakino, the Scorpion Clan Conspiracy Theorist, gives an outline of what happened to the Scorpion Clan from the time of Toturi's first anniversary up to the events of the Spirit Wars, and thus spans the story from Jade edition to Spirit Wars. This account was originally posted on the Scorpion's Inn noticeboard and is reproduced here with the author's permission.

Toturi's Anniverary Shinjo Makes War on Toturi Race to Volturnum
The Search Begins War in the Heavens The Spirit's Walk the Earth
Hitomi, the Shadow & Morikage 27 Days of Darkness The War is Won
Dark Journey Home Yakamo's Funeral  

Toturi's Anniversary

A year after the Day of Thunder, the Empire was preparing to celebrate the anniversary of Toturi's ascendance to the Throne. However, it was not to be. When it was time for the Emperor to make his appearance, it was discovered that his Guard had been killed and the Emperor was gone! A mask, purportedly belonging to Bayushi Aramoro was found on the floor. The Court asked for the death of all Scorpions. However, our enemies, the Kitsuki, found evidence that we had not done it, and reported this to Toshimoko, the Emerald Champion. He deliberated over it and exiled us instead of killing us all. Our children were placed in the care of the Crane.

Meanwhile, the Naga had gone with the Crab to retake Hiruma castle. Right after the castle was taken, the Naga suddenly left without explanation, leaving Yakamo trapped. The Naga assaulted the Dragon, now led by Hitomi. Hitomi had recently started her own family and tattooing people. Hoshi was not happy that she had become the champion of the Dragon and left. Hitomi gave the old Dragon a choice to either follow her or leave. Many left and retired to the Brotherhood of Shinsei.

Hitomi had taken on a darker light, the Obsidian Hand poisoning her mind. Togashi was within her too, and this was driving her mad. She had brought the traitor Kokujin back into the fold.


The Search Begins

A year after Toturi went missing, no one knew of his location. Takuan took over as Regent, with Kakita Yoshi assisting him. Ginawa and Hiroru scoured the empire for any signs of Toturi but failed. Shortly after exiling the Scorpion, Toshimoko faked his death, and became the Grey Crane to search for Toturi as well. The Unicorn, meanwhile, hung on to their Charter and tried to keep peace in the Empire. It was not going to be easy. Their emmisary to the Dragon, Tashima, was later discovered to have been tattooed and assimilated into Hitomi's family.

The Mantis, taking liberty with their Charter moved in to take the Scorpion lands. After they had passed through the Crane lands, they were attacked by the Crane and driven into Beiden Pass. From there, they moved towards the Phoenix lands. After their victory, the Crane, led by Kuwanan, decided to take vengeance on the weakened Lion. The Unicorn Daimyo, Yokatsu, took a troop and stood in his way. A duel was fought, with the Crane victorious. Yokatsu had to stand aside.

Meanwhile, maho seemed to be appearing all over the place. The test of the Jade champion was held. Kitsu Okura won, but he reeked of dark magics. Back in the Lion territories, it was revealed that Okura had made a bargain with Oni no Akuma to help the Lion. Most of the Lion, even their champion, Tsanuri, lived in fear of Okura. With the Crab weakened by the loss of their brothers in Hiruma castle, the Shadowlands was overwhelming the Crab. Secretly, Tsanuri planned to help the Crab, but did it under the pretence of attacking them, in hopes of throwing off Okura.


Hitomi, the Shadow and Morikage

Meanwhile, under Kyuden Hitomi, something strange was happening. Hitomi was planning something. In a crystalline cavern, sealed off from the world, was a Book and a Shadow. The shadow was a strange entity, formerly of Rokugani descent. It had lost almost all sense of itself, and was part of the greater Shadow. Hitomi determined that the Shadow had great power, and was moving to destroy Rokugan and everything. Because it had hidden itself when Lord Moon and Lady Sun were giving out Names to all of creation, it was Nameless. It had no form, but could take the form of others. Lord Moon, discovering this entity later, gave it shelter and trained It with his hate. Millenia later, the only thing that the Shadow wanted was to destroy Rokugan, as per Lord Moon's wishes.

Hitomi, finally ready, attempted to Name the Shadow caught within the chamber. She thought that by doing so, she would gain control over the entire Shadow. But she was wrong. The Shadow managed to escape. But, after being severed from the larger Shadow for so long, it had regained some of its identity. It was Shosuro.

Shosuro had long ago made a bargain with the Shadow. In return for keeping her alive to bring the Black Scrolls back to Rokugan, she would teach it. And so, our Ninja and Shinobi began.

In the Phoenix lands, a stronghold of the Shadow was discovered in Morikage. After a battle, the Shadow was driven from it. But Otaku Kamoko was injured. She had been led there after a long chase of Matsu Agetoki, whom she was hounding for the identity of her mother's killer. Jama Suru and Kyoso no Oni had been about to kill her, when Otaku Xieng Chi arrived to save her. Kyoso no oni disappeared in the fight, and Jama Suru made a bargain with Xieng Chi, and transported them away.

Toturi suddenly reappeared. The Court was in shambles by then, and the Otomo were trying to take the throne. With his return, order returned to the Court as well. No one knew where he had disappeared to, and no one dared ask. For his first act upon return was to execute Isawa Osugi, whom he labelled Kolat. With that, the secret of the kolat was forever revealed.

But Toturi was different. He was mean, cruel, and had rapid mood swings. He also seemed to talk to the air. The Court was afraid.


Dark Journey Home

Meanwhile, in the Burning Sands, much had happened. It was revealed that Shosuro Tage was a prophesied Avatar, of 4. When they gathered, the Time of the Awakening was signalled, and Shinjo herself was reborn unto the world. Kachiko, known as Selqet, made herself known to Shinjo and related the recent developments in Rokugan. Seeing Kachiko as the soul of Shosuro, Shinjo knew that she would not lie to her. She flew into an unholy rage when she heard that her Brother, the Hantei, had been slain by a mortal who now sat on the throne. Even worse, the unicorn clan had been infiltrated by the Kolat and was led by a Kolat master. Taking both the Scorpion and the moto hordes, Shinjo rode back to Rokugan. All resistance was destroyed. With that the Scorpion returned to Rokugan.

On the eve of the Scorpion's return, Toturi held a tournament. The winner would be awarded the remainder of the Scorpion Lands, part of it having been given to Toku to form the Monkey Clan. An unknown samurai was victorious, defeating all others. As he had no clan or name, the Emperor wished to make him his own. But then, Bayushi Yojiro stepped forth and presented the Ronin with the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion, and the Ronin was revealed to be Aramoro! We had reclaimed our lands, just in time for the return of the Clan.

Right after that, Toturi ordered his Emerald Champion, Toshiken, to slaughter the Imperial Court. All the courtiers were killed, including Kakita Yoshi. Toshiken had been forced to do this, with the threat of his children being taken by the Shadow. But, even after he had performed the task, his children were still taken.


Shinjo Makes war on Toturi

Shinjo rode to Otosan Uchi and demanded Toturi's head. With Scorpion, Unicorn and troops from the other clans that she had demanded due her status, she attacked otosan uchi. But the shadow had control of the Imperial city, and defended itself. Now the Shadow was truly revealed. Hundreds were lost, as comrades turned into enemies, and others were sucked into the Shadow. A final few reached the Throne Room, and disaster struck. Lord Moon himself manifested an Avatar to defend the Shadow-bound Toturi. Things were looking bleak.


The War in the Heavens

Then, Hitomi, faced with her failure to name the Shadow, ascended the Refuge of the Three sisters. There, she challenged Onnatangu to a duel for the fate of Rokugan. She thought that with the might of Togashi behind her, she would win. Lord Moon accepted and a great battle was fought. With his mind in two places, Lord Moon lost concentration. Just as he was about to finish Hitomi, a ray of light broke through the shadow's defences in Otosan Uchi. A monk, Takao, took this as a blessing from Lady Sun, and struck a devastating blow to the Avatar. Lord Moon flinched in pain, and Hitomi took the chance and killed him.

The next day, and the following 27 days, the Sun did not rise. Neither did the Moon.


27 Days of Darkness

Hitomi knew what she had to do. She walked the land, speaking to some. Wherever she went people followed. On the 27th day, she was ready. Representatives form each clan was sent. Hitomi was to commit seppukku, to allow her to ascend to the Heavens to take the place of Lord Moon. A second had to be chosen, to decapitate her to allow her to keep her honour. A fight broke out, and an oni appeared. Just as it was about to attack Hitomi, a Phoenix samurai killed it and became Hitomi's second.

Still, the Sun did not rise.

In the Shadowlands, Yakamo had finally been captured by Kuni Yori. he experimented on him, hoping to imbue him with the Burning Words. But Yakamo resisted him, and chose to die rather than submit. The Hiruma daimyo offered the lives of all his samurai in exchange for yakamo. Just as the pact was sealed, the remainder of the Crab arrived. The shadowlands was beaten off, and Yakamo's corpse was retrieved.

The Crab and the Lion had allied. But after much pain. tsanuri had sent word of alliance to O-Ushi during her march. O-ushi had also sent messengers to find out waht the Lion were doing. But neither received the intended messages, as the Shadow was killing the messengers and replacing them. They finally realised the truth when the armies clashed.


Yakamo's Funeral

A funeral was held for Yakamo. But, before it could be completed, the Naga arrived and stole yakamo's body! The enraged Crab and Lion launched an attack on the Shinomen forest, only to find that Yakamo had been revived. The shashakar had given his life to bring Yakamo back. But Yakamo was now naga, as well as Crab. he brought an end to the fighting and led the armies to Volturnum.

Shinjo, satisfied that Toturi had been dealt with, returned to her clan and purged it of the Kolat. Yokatsu, however, managed to escape.

Toturi survived. The Oracle of Void, Kaede, appeared after the fighting, and took him away to a phoenix temple, in hopes of curing him.


Race to Volturnum

The armies of Rokugan were summoned again, now that it was clear that the Shadow had been manipulating everyone. They would now march to Volturnum to destroy the Shadow, or die trying.

The Scorpion lands were emptied once more. Kachiko had commanded it so, for she was waiting for one person: Shosuro. In essence, they were both the same person. Kachiko called, and Shosuro could not resist. Deep in the scorpion caverns, Kachiko waited by Sleeping Lake. Shosuro came. Kachiko steped closer to the Lake while speaking to Shosuro. And the trap was set. The lake took on a will of its own, and Shosuro became caught in it. Bayushi had waited a thousand years for Shosuro to return to him, and he would not let her go this time. Kachiko/Shosuro were both pulled into the Lake. Hoturi appeared to see Kachiko one last time, and then she was gone. No regrets.

Meanwhile, the army was nearing Volturnum. It had been a hard fight all the way, as the Shadowlands was being made to fight for the Shadow! A victory for the Scorpion came when a thousand Ogres were destroyed in one fell swoop.

But the armies were not prepared to fight the Shadow. They only had steel, which would not hurt it. And so, the Scorpion came yet again to their aid. A thousand years worth of crystal weapons was distributed amongst the clans. If any lived, it was only because the Scorpion allowed them to.

The Moto, meanwhile, had charged away to attack their undead brethren. The war would end once and for all. Earlier, Karasu had finally ended his strange relationship with Kuni Yori by trapping the both of them in a pearl, forever. Moto Gaheris readied his troops for battle against Moto Tsume, and Otaku Kamoko. Yes, kamoko had fallen to the Shadowlands, and now bore the Burning Words. But, at the start of the battle, Kamoko suddenly turned on Moto Tsume, and attacked him! They fought long and hard, and Tsume was about to kill her, when suddenly, the Taint in Kamoko manifested Kyoso no Oni! Kyoso destroyed Tsume, and effectively destroyed the undead faction of the Shadowlands. kamoko was mortally wounded, and Kyoso offered her a chance at immortality. Kamoko refused, and died. Shinjo ascended to the Heavens, taking Kamoko with her.

Meanwhile, at Volturnum, Ginawa had fought to the entrance to Jigoku. And he found that the Shadow blocking the gate was attacking a Kami! The Kami had a younger brother they had not known! Ryoshun managed to escape, and went to fulfil his destiny in Rokugan.

In the Phoenix lands, Toturi's condition was worsening. Kaede was powerless to help him. Then, disaster struck. Sanzo, bearing a reforged Ambition, had tracked down the emperor, and attacked him, giving him a mortal wound. As the Emperor lay dying, Sanzo's mind shattered. And Ryoshun appeared. And with him Matsu Hiroru. Ryoshun told the gathered mortals what they had to do. Hiroru was reluctant. But he had no choice. For Toturi's honour, he became Toturi's second.

In Jigoku, the ancestors were fighting for their lives. Under the guidance of the Thunders, the Shadow were fought back. Then Toturi arrived. And the battle was fought to drive the Shadow out of Jigoku. Victorious, the ancestors paused. They would not be going further. But Toturi still had a destiny to fulfil. With the gate falling, Toturi made a desperate lunge. And was caught by Ginawa.

The armies of Rokugan were almost done as well. Goju Adorai had manifested himself and was tearing apart the armies. All hope seemed gone.

And then, a miracle.

Lady Sun wandered the land. She was about to destroy everything, when she was appealed to. And she saw the truth of the words. And she passed from this world, her mantle passing on to the Champion of the Bright Eye. The Yakamo. And so, the Sun rose again, ready to continue it's eternal feud with the Moon.

The Moon too, had a role to play. While the Sun Named things, it was the Moon that made Names. And she had one last name to give.

With the whispered words, the Shadow fell. Formless beings took on forms. The Shadow had been named.

And they would be Akodo.

With the Shadow named, the threat to Rokugan was ended. The armies returned home.

But, once home, they found another problem.


The Spirit's Walk the Earth

With the Gate to Jigoku open, spirits had physically left. Most returned to Jigoku at the end of the Battle, but some stayed, convinced that their time had never ended. Some were beneficial. Toturi, Kakita Yoshi. Others however...

What do you say when a man walks in and announces "I am Akodo XXX. I was Daimyo of the Lion 300 years ago, and am still daimyo!". What do you say when another man walks in and pronounces that he is the Akodo daimyo from 700 years ago?

And what do you say when an man walks in, and announces that he is the Hantei, and that you must all bow to him? And what if the man is Hantei XVI, better known as the most tyrannical ruler Rokugan has ever known?

Toturi refused to give him the throne. He insisted that the SPirits had no place in the world and had to go back to Jigoku. They could either kill themselves, or be hunted.

But what about Toturi himself?

Those spirits who refused flocked to the Hantei's banner. And descendant fought ancestor.


The War is Won

8 years after Volturnum, Toturi finally tired of the war. He ordered Yojiro to stop the spirits by whatever means necessary. Bayushi Baku was assigned to infiltrate the Spirits to gain their trust. After a series of successful attacks against the Lions and Cranes, he had convinced the Stone Crab that the Scorpions were ready to join with the Hantei and betray Toturi. The Stone Crab launched an all out assault on Beiden Pass. Many died. Then, when the full spirit army was in the Pass, the trap was sprung. Phoenix shugenja, seething in at at the Stone Crab for holding their children hostage, destroyed Beiden Pass and the great spirit army. The Stone Crab surrendered. The Scorpion had fulfilled their task.

Yet the Hantei would not concede to Toturi's demands. Unless one of Toturi's children was given the Hantei name, to continue the line. After much deliberation, Toturi accepted his condition, and his eldest son by Kaede was made a Hantei.

Toturi has 4 children. One is mentioned above. A girl was born, with swordskills of unmatched stature. The Sword. A younger son was born too, with what seem to be sorcerous skills. But there was a 4th, who is the eldest. This was the son born of Hatsuko, Toturi's geisha lover before he was cast out from the Lion Clan. When he was old enough, he made known his lineage, and was accepted into the Akodo family. The Bastard.

Bayushi Kayakino
Scorpion Clan Conspiracy Theorist