
The Pasa'Chiks are the Hamster sorcerers or psychics in The Real World. They help to hide the Hamsters from human view with what they call the Shadows.

The Psychic System

The Psychic system in The Real World is based on simple WILLPOWER rolls. Each power has a power level, just like a skill level, which is added to the Hamster's WILLPOWER. The character rolls a D12 to get less than, or equal to, WILLPOWER + POWER. If the roll is made then the Hamster loses a minimal ammount of STAMINA and the power works, if he fails then he loses much more STAMINA and the power fails.

Since most HAMSTERS have little STAMINA psychics can be dangerous, but also powerful. STAMINA lost from psychics returns at a rate of 1 STAMINA per 5 minutes of rest.


The Costs listed in the last column are in Character Points per level of the skill (See Real World Character Generation).

Body Weaponry121pt/lvl.
The Hamster's STAMINA, for the purposes of determining the level of damage inflicted, is raised by 1 for every 2 levels of the power, for up to 2 rounds per level.
Cause Fear121pt/lvl.
The target of this power (up to INTELLECT meters away) must roll bravery at minus the power level or flee.
The power level of the power is added to the hamster's (or the target's) climb skill, for up to 5 minutes per level.
Combat Will021pt/lvl.
The Hamster takes one less damage from every blow that hits him (to a minimum of 1 STAMINA per blow) for up to 2 rounds per level.
The hamster, and an area of up to 0.1m per level is protected from projectiles, which are all at -level to hit (cumulative with other modifiers), for up to 1 round per level.
The Hamster can glide over up to 1m per level if they have a 10cm drop per level.
Heal1/2 Healing1 x Healing3pt/lvl.
The Hamster lays hands on another and heals up to level in points, losing 1/2 of that ammount (to a min of 1) himself if he passes, or the ammount he would have healed if he fails.
Long Bite132pt/lvl.
A target within 1m per level is dealt a blow of Hamster's STAMINA + level (dodge reduces damage by 2, or increases it by 1 if it fails).
A small object, up to 0.1m away per level, is manipulated at the hamster's DEXTERITY for up to 1 minute per level.
The Hamster may roll a Listen, or Smell test for an area up to 1m away per level.
For a period of up to 1 hour per level the Hamster, and those nearby, and hidden from the sight of humans, who will see them, but then look away, unless they attract undue attention. Cats, Rats, Dogs, etc. are unaffected.