Knight of the Holy Temple


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The Knights of the Holy Temple have a bad reputation in Tanaloth, for they are the armed wing of the Holy Inquisition. From their fortress at the western end of Tanaloth the Knights dispense justice almost as they see fit. There have been many accusations against them over time, but since they retain the right to be tried at the hands of their own courts and not those of the rest of the Church it is sometimes said to be ahrd to make such accusations stick. Though no one would dare to openly speak ill of the Knights of the Holy Temple, nevertheless they have a bad reputation amongst the common folk.

Knight of the Holy Temple Cost (67pts)
 Clerical Investment 10pts
 Literacy 10pts
 Status 15pts
 Legal Immunity


 TOTAL 45pts
 Duty 15pts
 Vow - Of Obediance 5pts
 Bad Reputation



 TOTAL 30pts
Skills (52pts)
 Theology (M/H)  4pt IQ
 Tanalath (M/A)  - 15
 Hieratic (M/H)  2pts IQ-1
 Broadsword (P/A)  2pts DX
 Spear (P/A)  8pts DX+2
 Shield (P/E)  4pts DX+2
 f/d Sword (P/A)  2pts DX
 Brawling (P/E)  2pts DX+1
 Leadership (M/A)  2pts IQ-1
 Body Lang. (M/H)  2pts IQ-1
 Church Law (M/H)  4pts IQ
 Riding (P/A)  1pt DX-1
 Tactics (M/H)  4pts IQ
 Savoir-Faire (M/E)  2pts IQ+1
 First Aid (M/E)  2pts IQ+1
 Intimidation (M/A)  4pts IQ+1
 Interrogation (M/A)  4pts IQ+1
 Stealth (P/A)  2pts DX