
1 entries found.

Rank 3

KeywordsAttack, Area, Ranged
With this attack the Red Order Mage can unleash a torrent of energy from the Sun against a nominated point, striking everything nearby with magical fire. When the Mage begins the casting of the spell he nominates a point within 20 x Level Legats. On the round that the spell is cast a fiery glow coruscates about the Mage as the energy charges. The following round the spell strikes at the nominated point in a huge cylinder of fire, blasting anything within 10 Legats of the striking point for 2D8 fire damage (ignoring half of Physical Armour). Anyone in the target area may attempt to leap out of the way by making an Agility + Movement / Acrobatics roll resisted by an 18. On a successful roll they take only half damage. The Mage may extend the spell, continuing to strike the same area, by taking 1 Lethal damage each round.

Although Flamestrike may be cast from a Matrix the flood of power will instantly wipe the spell from the Matrix when cast.
power+1 Legat range per Power Level
+1 Legat radius per 2 Power Levels