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Hellgrass Reach
KeywordsTax, Derzak
Hellgrass Reach forms the major Drylands dominion of Derzak, which otherwise owns only lands along the One-River and the Ice hills. The name is also applied to the wide plains of Razor Grass and white sand that surround the town, which are rich in Copper, Tin, Silver and cattle.

Hellgrass Reach is a sprawling town built into the sides of many circular sink-holes that dot a wide expanse of sand and grass many Klegs Daywards of Nistray. For this reason little can be seen of the town from a distance other than the wooden gantries used to raise and lower goods into the smaller sink-holes, and the fortified central tower rising like a finger above the rest. The deep sink-holes are riddled with caves and passages, many of which hold reserves of water, although when large military units are stationed here these resources can be hard stretched. The central and largest sink-hole surrounds a deep stone-lined pool. Although the water level here can fall dramatically concentric steps and ledges always allow access to the water edge.

There are limited routes in and out of Hellgrass Reach, which was built with defence in mind. Strong forts guard the main ramps down into the town, and the buildings are designed to provide shelter from bow shots and falling rocks alike. The surrounding plains are filled with small mine workings, many abandoned, and Ancient ruins. Derzak depends heavily on the reach for metals and grain, and constantly garrisons many troops here. Border skirmishes with Nistran soldiers from Darkin are common, although a vast reach separates the two towns.