What was the GEAS Village

The GEAS Village was once the largest independant Roleplaying website in the world.

Founded in the very first years of the Web (1993 and 94) the Village led the way with graphics, archives of roleplaying material, some of the web's first message boards and online role playing games, and a vast following of regulars.

At times the accesses to the Village topped 200,000 visits a week, in a time when the University of Edinburgh as a whole barely got twice that. The Inn was a center of a roleplaying hub that spread across multiple websites and MUSHes, while the boards provided for the Live action game 'the gathering' changed the face of roleplaying in the UK.

At times controversial, at times immensly popular, the Village set a standard for University and idependant gaming sites, and generated many imatators the world over.

The Village was the creation of David Donachie (D.Donachie@ed.ac.uk) a student at the University of Edinburgh, who was a member of the council of GEAS (the University of Edinburgh roleplaying society) for 8 years, and who is now a staff member at the University.


David Donachie