Usenet: The Flaming Rules

Expansion by David Donachie

One of the important obstacles to making UTF the succesful free game it deserves to be is that the rules don't work! As it stands it is unclear how one plays new site cards to power your other cards. Are all Sites free and if so whats to stop you making every site in your deck Power 3? The following set of rules is intended to allow the game to actaully be played.

Playing Area Diagram

Turn Sequence

  1. Draw Phase:
    The player draws enough cards from his deck to make his hand up to a total of seven cards.

  2. Boot Phase:
    The player brings back online all of his site cards which have been downed

  3. Expansion Phase:
    The player may now play one or more new site cards from his hand. Each site comes into play downed, since it has just been set up. In addition no site card may be played unless the player also downs enough sites to pay for the new site's Power in computrons. It takes a little while to integrate a new site into the Medusa's networks. (Come on... when was the last time you had an easy installation!) For this purpouse and this purpouse only a 1/2 computron Site counts as having a Power of 1.

    For example the player has three sites with Power 1 in play. To play a Power 3 site he would have to down all his sites.

  4. Action Phase:
    The player may now play as many other Event or Attack cards as he likes and can pay for with sites.

  5. Defrag:
    If the player has more than seven cards in his hand now he must discard enough of them to bring himself down to seven cards.

David Donachie