(Was reading the rest of the Noticeboard and found a request to have the AGM notes available ... so hey presto, here they are)
(Includes references made to the committee meeting of the same day)

Legitimacy of the AGM

The point raised was that the AGM had been poorly publicised and that expected attendance was low. Several possible solutions were proposed.

The AGM begun at 6pm, after a count of heads suggested that enough members were present for the meeting to be legitimate.

Committee Note: Constitution needs modifying, we need an up-to-date version.

Advise of the committee

The general advise given by the committee concerning this AGM was as follows;

Topics raised & voted on

A number of topics were raised during the last committee meeting of which the committee decided to raise during the AGM. During the AGM all the following topics were voted in, with the vast majority of the present members voting in favour;

During the committee meeting it was also raised that the web-page was severely in need of maintenance, and had not been properly maintained for the past two years. During the committee meeting it was decided that the committee would advise the position of Chronicler should be re-instated as an elected committee position. It was decided during the AGM that the topic of the Chronicler would be left until the next AGM, when all relevant parties would be able to attend.

Open discussion (& voting)

Once the topics had been discussed it was opened up to the members as to what to discuss during the remainder of the AGM.

Freshers' Week

The second topic of conversation during the committee meeting was the Freshers' Week events.

It was decided that most of the Freshers' Week organisation could be done during the holidays. It was however pointed out that there is a dead-line for information submitted for the guide for Freshers' Week, and that dead-line is soon.

Therefore it was agreed that an open committee meeting shall be held at 10pm on Wednesday 17th May at Pleasance. This committee meeting was publicised to members present at the AGM and a good attendance of members were present.

Various points were raised as to publicity for the events, primarily that it should be big, concise, and clear as to the point of the society. Adam House / the Registry should be targeted for advance posters in order to attract the attention of students matriculating.