Cyberpunk (1,2)


Cyberpunk is R. Tellasorium's RPG set in the near future world of William Gibson's Cyberpunk world. Cyberpunk has recently spun off the Wizards of the Coast CCG Netruner.


Cyberpunk is a trend in recent science-fiction that has bled into roleplaying culture. Cyberpunk concerns itself with the world of the near future, transformed into a dystopia by the influence of advanced technology. The Cyberpunk world is one controled by availablility of information, one in which multinational companies have replaced governments as world powers, and one in which most people have been relegated to an information-poor undercalss where they must fight for money any way they can get it. It is a world full of virtual reality, computers, private police forces and Artificial Intellegences.

This genre was popularaised by the writer william Gibson, especially in the novel Neuromancer, and led to a number of spin off games, including Cyberpunk (the game), and Shadowrun. Until the arrival of the supernatural World of Darkness games these Cyberpunk systems briefly dominated the fashionable games market.

David Donachie

Cyberpunk is the term used to describe a genre where people matter less than money, and where the only way of surviving without being fitted to a mould is to step outside all rules. Unlike dark genres corruption is not hidden or rising, corruption is the norm and honesty and truth are what are struggling to take hold. What you are (hence cyberware and fashion) is often more important than who you are.


Matthew Barrowcliffe

Compare Steampunk.