Emoticon v1.6

manual | emoticon interpreter | obfuscation | contributions | version history

Amjad Masad - 02/07/2011

Amjad emailed me with a link to an Emoticon interpreter written in CoffeeScript, and a demo of it in action.

Michael Champanis - 14/06/2006

Thanks to Mike for my first ever genuine code contribution from another person! Mike contacted me out of the blue to send this fantastic calculator implentation.

30 / 5
8-< =|8:< 8-< @:-O + - * / T:-O 32 ;-O 37 42 47 :-( @:-O
=|8=\ [8-< :-E ;-O T:-< :-) ];-O 1 [;-O 1 T:-O X:-D :-( 8+{ 
:-P ];-O [;=\ :-E 8-} :-P ];-O [;=\ :-E 8x} :-P ];-O [;=\ :-E
8/} :-P ];-O [;=\ :-E :-)

This chunk of code reads a simple arithmetical operation from the first line, extracts the operator, then uses a series of comparisons to identify it before jumping to the relevant section of the code to execute the instruction.

Inspired by this I wrote the following

30 / 5
}:-> 8-O : :-O 8-> 8-O { }:-O :->      ** read data and construct operator **
=|:-O 3 8-#                            ** implode operator                 **
Z:-O 8-> =|:-O 8-@                     ** set up new instructions          **
8-O Z:-> Z:->                          ** copy new instructions back       **

This makes the operator by using the implode operator and then moves it into Z: and executes it. The last bit was really tricky without an insert or join operator! For this reason I added an Insert operator (V) in version 1.4.