Elemental Blessings

Solar House : Draco (The Dragon)

The Elemental Blessings each bless a single opject or place with the essence of one of the five holy elements, Stone, Water, Wood, Air and Fire. To cast such a blessing always requires a specially prepared staff or wand, made of a specific wood.Certain woods give bonuses to the level of the prayer.Without the right rod or staff the prayer is cast at -3 skill.

Blessing of Stone (M/A) [ ritual, congregation, enhance cost ]

The Blessing of stone is laid upon a wall or building, to make it sound and protect it from collapsing or falling down. The Blessing of stone requires a short rod of stout oak heartwood to invoke. A rod made from living wood from an Oak struck by lightning gives +1 to the level of the prayer. The power of the Blessing opposes any spell of prayer that harms the building.

1 hour, 5 fat. per 10sq. yards of building

This prayer also corresponds to the constellation of Artor

St. Etra : 16-20th Octem - St. Harald : 22nd Sextem - St. Yatuvek : 2nd Novem - St. Eithred : 13th Duodecem

Blessing of Water (M/H) [ ritual, congregation, enhance cost ]

The Blessing of water makes water pure, drinkable, and free of disease or poison. The prayer only works on plain water, tea, wine and other more base subjects are not affected. Such water can be used for rituals requiring pure water. The Blessing of water requires a short staff of willow wood. A rod made from silver willow cut at midnight on an Equinox gives +1 to the level of the prayer.

This prayer also corresponds to the constellation of Pisces

St. Yesuva : 8th Quinque - St. Grani : 25th Septem - St. Kyrios in Pecht : 5th Sextem

Blessing of Wood (M/A) [ ritual, congregation, enhance cost ]

With the Blessing of Wood crops can be made to grow well and be free of disease. While some evil forces can still cause the crop to fail a Blessing of Wood is enough to cancel a week of late frosts or heavy rains. The Blessing of Wood requires each field protected to be paced by a Priest with a long staff of Alder. A rod made from Alder grown on a sacred hill gives +1 to the level of the prayer. The strength of this prayer opposes any curse or evil magic that might blight the crops.

3 hours, 10 fatigue per field

This prayer also corresponds to the constellation of Irian

St. Funnum : 23rd Octem - St. Kerios : 16th Septem - St. Ergegrad : 2nd Duodecem

Blessing of Air (M/H) [ prayer/ ritual ]

The Blessing of Air is used to drive away ill humours, smokes, smells and stenches, that might cause disease. The Blessing can clear enough air to fill a normal sized room (or its equivalent, a cottage, midden or smoking ruin). The effect lasts an hour, after which the air will stay pure unless the source is still present. The Blessing of Air requires a short wand of hollow reeds. A wand made of reeds which, when held to the wind produces a pure chord, gives +1 to the lavel of the prayer.The prayer can clear magical smokes or mists with an opposed roll.

1 min, 3 fat

This prayer also corresponds to the constellation of Corvus

St. Huldred : 27th Sextem - St. Elphastus : 18th Quattuor - St. Gunnhild : 14th Octem

Blessing of Fire (M/A) [ prayer/ritual, reversable ]

The Blessing of Fire brings flames, setting light to fuel that would otherwise refuse to catch. Though it cannot bring fire where there is no kindling or fuel, it will light even the most wet of wood, and can be made, with great power, to light even that which will not burn. Add the modifiers for materials and size below to arrive at the total time, cost and modifier for the prayer.

Reversed the Blessing can extinguish flames, by beating either the size of the fire in square yards, or the strength of the sorcery involved (if any). This prayer requires a wand of Pine. A wand made from the wood of a pine that has survived a forest fire gives +1 to the level of the prayer.

Modifier for Materials   Modifier for Size of Fire
wax 1 sec 1 fat -0
dry wood 3 sec 2 fat -0
damp wood or cloth 4 sec 3 fat -2
soaking wood 6 sec 4 fat -4
leather, hard wood 10 sec 5 fat -6
candle - - -0
small fire 1 sec 1 fat -1
large fire 2 sec 2 fat -2
bonfire 6 sec 3 fat -4
house size 10 sec 5 fat -6

St. Etra : 16-20th Octem - St. Finneal : 2nd Decem - St. Dumas : 14th Trinity