The Archons

Archon Asha

No Parish

The Archon Asha is one of the most mysterious figures in the Church of Tanaloth. Chosen by the previous Archon of Asha each new Archon gives up his old name and life and becomes the representative of the empty temple. In all matters of the temple of Asha the Archon is supreme, but he is not supposed to have any influence upon the politics od Atur's church at all, such things are left behind. It is for this reason that he is the convener of the council of Archons, since he is supposed to remain neutral in any way. To most people the archon is a faceless figure, usually seen wearing a mask of black polished wood, a ritual item passed from each Archon to the next. Those who see beneath the mask are often suprised to see that he is just a man, red haired, with an old, weather worn complexion, since he was once a monk, till they look into his eyes, which are said to be as black as the night and as deep.

During rituals in Asha's temple the Archon is attended by those priests chosen to be servitors of Asha in the dark hours, but during the day he is attended only by a small staff, and unlike the other Archons does not have a large array of underlings at his command. Indeed though he does have a herald he generally attends meetings unacompanied, very odd for an Archon


Archon Barias


Up until two years ago Barias was the leading candidate for the Archpriest's throne on the East Bank. Supported by Ulric and Hussu and courting the Island Bishops he seemed to have everything in hand. Events have changed however. After rumors of excessive spending, and disagreement with Ulric over points of political protocol Barias found his former supporter deserted him and made his own bid for the Archpriest's throne. To make matters worse first Hussu, and then Bishop Origa have lent their support to Ulric (though the Bishop's supported lessened after the death of Origa's advisor in the Cathedral) leaving Barias without a chance to take the throne.

Barias has practically sworn public revenge against Ulric as a result of the events of 623, and has made life difficult for him since then. However barias has almost as much of a dislike of Inshaku as of Ulric, and has therefore not thrown his weight behind what many regard as the other most prominant candidate.


Archon Hussu

Harbour Quarter

Archon Hussu is a large burly man, his skin weathered dark from long exposure to the sea and sun. He has also grown somewhat overweight, making him look, as someone once said, more like a pirate than an Archon. He has a loud and booming voice, and constantly demonstrates his poor grasp of social timing.

Archon Hussu, for all his posturing, is not a contender in the fight for the throne. Though he is popular with the people for his role as the head of Yesuva's Church, and a great lover of the sea, he is in many ways overshadowed by Bishop Origa, his senior, who has claimed something of a moral authority over the worship of Yesuva. As is traditionally the case for the Archon of Yesuva, Hussu has little love for the island Bishops, and therefore has dissacociated himself from Origa's cause. His support seems to be behind Ulric, indeed Ulric and Hussu have grown closer in equal mesure to Ulric and Barias growing apart.

When it comes to matters of the future and the Church Hussu is treated with the utmost respect, for he has a natural talent with Augury that has proved itself time and time again. Hussu is in many ways more interested in the practical applications of his post than the political, and he dedicates much of his time to the services of Yesuva, blessing the ships and protecting the sailors of the city. This makes him popular with the fishermen.


Archon Inshaku : High Justicar

Four Corners

The Archon Inshaku, High Justicar of Tanaloth, is a frail man, white haired and with a limp. His eyes are firece and piercing, indeed there is much in him of a hawk. He speaks softly, but there is a constant air of menace about him that may come from his association with the Inquistion, about which he is said to know many things. He has a reputation as an aesthetic, keeping his church in a manner as close to that of the cannons as possible. Though he has not yet officially made any announcement of interest in the Archpriest's throne most are sure he desires it. Formerly a suporter of Tibalt, he now seems to have cut him lose, though there is talk that Inshaku lost much money to Tibalt's excessive lifestyle and now struggles to make it up.

Archon Inshaku is the official head of the Curia, the arm of the Inqusition that investigates crimes amongst the Priesthood. He presides over the highest court in the land bar that of the Archpriest himself, a role that previous Archons have been said to abuse, having their enemies accused of crimes and then convicted without appeal. One of Inshaku's chief retainers is Hierarch Andas Sigur, of house Sigur, arguably the richest of the noble houses in Tanaloth. No one can say why Andas has chosen to serve Inshaku so, but his loyalty to the Justicar is said o be without question.


Archon Tibalt : Master of the Inqusition

West Bank North

Archon Tibalt is the Archon of the West Bank, and was until recently one of the most influential candidates for the Archpriest's throne. Up until a year past it seemed he had the clear support of both Inshaku and Timothy in his quest for the throne. Now, however, Inshaku seems to be making moves on his own part, leaving Tibalt with what some claim is a significant debt to repay to him.

Tibalt is a man who cultivates the fine arts and is well known for appreciating paintings and fine wines, though some imply that his tastes extend to other, less legal items. Tibalt is one of driving forces behind the East - West debate, since he has used it to good effect to secure himself support. Tibalt likes to show himself as one of the most virtuous of the Archons. Tibalt, with the support of the Knights of the Temple of Atur and the proceeds of the fishmarket taxes, is often thought to be the most wealthy of the competitors for the Archpriest's throne. He uses this money to obtain the favours of other priests, and his special masses and services are legendary and exclusive.


Archon Timothy


Archon Timothy is one of the youngest of the Archons, and in charge of the newset of the Archonships, the Cragen Dioscee. Though the Cragen is now over 250 years old nevertheless the conservative politics of Tanaloth are still in flux from its creation. The Archons of the Cragen have a reputation for disturbing the politics of the Archons council, and Timothy is no exception. Well supported by the gold of Archon Tibalt, and supposidly a staunch supporter of the West Bank camp he nevertheless is often supposed to be plotting his own rise to power. Recently he seems to have become a suporter of Inshaku, who's strict doctrinal approach he appears to admire and share. To this end he is almost always accompanied by Hierarch Wisdom, a priest renowned for his adherance to doctrine.


Archon Ulric : Master of Records

Riverside Parish

Archon Ulric is always at a disadvantage, since he was trained not as a Priest but as a Knight. Once he was the General of the armues of the Order of Atur, and tipped to become the next Archknight. However during the campaign against the barbarian incursions into the northern isles he was cut off from the main body of his forces and nearly slain. Though he recovered from his wounds he never truely regained his strenght, indeed he walks now with a pronounced limp. Instead of remaining in the Knighthood the young general took Holy orders and became a priest.

Ulric rose quickly through the ranks through dedication until he became the Archon of Riverside Parish. Urlic always concerns himself most with the safety of the Church and of the city, conferring with Archknight Perion. Ulric, however, is quite a good freind of the Archpriest, and stands between him and the most outrageous plotting of the other Archons. Because of his friendship Ulric holds the important position of Master of Records, the Cleric in charge of the libraries of the Great Temple.Recently Ulric's star seems on the rise. Having formaly given up his support for Barias, and embraced the support of Bishop Origa and Archon Hussu, Ulric has made it clear that he would be honored to take the Archpriest's throne if chosen. Recently he has set about building a new chapel in the Northwest Cathedral transept, an ambitious project that serves to raise his status still further.