The 12 Martyrs of Tanaloth

Saint Alhedra

Alhedra was the prophet who brought down the rule of the Kings of old times, the disciple of Cerastus. She brought the words of Atur to the first people, but was beheaded by the King for preaching the dominance of the true faith. After her death the people rose up and destroyed the King's forever. Her words were set down to form the Canons. She is depicted as a pale woman, the line of blood around her neck echoing her death.

Saint Akur

Saint Akur is called the lawmaker. He was the leader of Atur's word after the death of Etra, who founded the churches and directed the building of the walls and the seminaries. He is the patron saint of Tanaloth itself. His hand is held in the western church as a great relic, though his body and resting place are long lost. It is said that agents of the Dark God's slew him for his work, but with them died the last knoweldge of where Tanaloth lay.

Saint Cerastus

Cerastus, the first martyr, died for the lord at the hands of servants of the Old Gods. His image shows him disembowled, his innards hanging from the cut in his belly, and yet his eyes looking upwards towards heaven. Cerastus is respected as the first teacher, that spread the words of the true Gods to the heathen people's. He is the patron of missionaries and teachers.

Saint Dumas

Saint Dumas is often called the warrior's Saint, since he is the patron of the sword and the defender of the faith. Dumas led the defence of the people before the exodus, and drove back the barbarians to ensure the reign of peace over the Old Kingdoms. Saint Dumas died captured by the enemy, and refusing to renounce his beliefs was pierced by many arrows and slain. His image is usually depicted at the time of his death, pierced by the arrows, though often he is shown armed in battle.

Saint Etra

Etra was the last prophet. Etra saw the signs of the end times and gathered the faithful to him. He was led by a sign from the God's to Tanaloth, the hidden city, where Atur and Asha were born, and founded the great cathedral that now forms the last bastion of the faithful. Five times he set out to find more of the faithful and bring them to Tanaloth, but on his firth journey he was caught by the servants of the Old Gods and burnt alive. His statue shows him burnt and consumed by the flames, but hands clasped in prayer for serving the Lord's work.

Saint Elphastus

Saint Elphastus is the patron saint of the weak. Elphastus dedicated her life to helping the poor, and it is in her name that offerings to the poor are given on Almsday. Elphastus was finally cut down when she tried to defend the poor from the greatest scourge of all, the great plague. Elphastus perished of the plague in a town sealed to prevent its spread, but she is usually shown lying in peace, hands clasped and eyes closed to symbolise the fact that she did not recognise any difference between one man and the next.

Saint Finneal

Saint Finneal was a priest who founded the first community on the isle of Konnisay, one of the most famous of the island churches. It was this island that came under the heaviest attack by the barbarians of the isles when they attempted to drive the true faith from the sea. Ten times the monestary was attacked from the sea but Finneal would never hear of moving from the sacred place. At last, in the eleventh attack the monestary was raised and Finneal perished in the flames, but the monestary was rebuilt in his memory and has stood ever since. Finneal is generally shown as an old man carrying a staff, wrapped around in the flames of his death.

Saint Kerios

Saint Kerios was one of the oldest of the Martyrs, a prohpet taken with the extasy of Atur, who preached to the chosen in the desert, but was declared a heretic and slain by being thrown upon a bed of thorns, which is how he is always depicted.

Saint Lud

Saint Lud was the acolyte of Etra. Born of the Old Kingdoms he nevertheless took up arms to try and save the great Saint from his enemies. Though but a boy he is said to have fought breavely, till the day he faced the Giant Maloch, the general of the armies of the Darkness. Though he was but as an ant to a rabid wolf he faced the Giant and, throwing a stone from his sling, was able to slay him. But after this he was cut down by the armies of Maloch. Nevertheless it was his bravery that allowed the pilgrims to escape. He is usually shown at the moment he picks up the rock for his sling, battered but defiant.

Saint Nathaniel

Saint Nathaniel is the patron saint of the scholar. Nathaniel was said to be a famous wise man, devoted only to the gaining of knoweldge. But evil men tried to get him to use his learning to help them make war upon their enemies. Three times they came to him with their demands and three times he refused, so he was tortured in the hope of prying his secrets from him. Even then he would not recant, for he said that he learnt to understand the glory of God, not to destroy him. He is sometimes shown battered and bruised from the question, but eyes upraised to heaven, other images of him have him dressed in robes and clutching the book of a scholar.

Saint Osseka

Saint Osseka was a nun, visited by the breath of the Lord Asha in the night she wrote of the visions she had seen. In her scriptures she tells of a flight through the world, of the mysteries of Asha's realm and of the observances that were to be followed in his temple. It is from her words that all the worship of Asha grows, and her scriptures are not available for many to read, but are instead kept hidden from most eyes. The visions continued each night until at last Lord Asha also took her soul and she died in her sleep. She is always shown as a dishevelled woman, in a pose of sleep.

Saint Yesuva

Yesuva was a sailor who's fleet was beset by a great storm at sea. It seemed as if all was lost and everyone would perish to the waves, till Yesuva offered a prayer to Atur, that he himself might be taken to spare the others. At this the storm abated and all the ships came safely home, but Yesuva cast himself into the waves and was drowned. Yesuva is the patron of the waters, and is shown as a drowned man risen from the waves. Sometimes the sign of the Crab is used to denote Yesuva.