Mental Skills

Average Hard
Default 0 points 0 points
Default +1 1/2 point 1 point
Default +2 1 point 2 points
Default +3 2 points 4 points
Default +4 4 points 6 points


TheologyRitualChurch Law


The Theology Skill has a number of specialisations for different aspects of liturgy and ritual. The Theology specialisations each give general knowledge, and dogma about this area, they are separate from the Ritual specialisations needed to actually perform these ceremonies.If you need to know something about a specific sait, life, death, payers, etc. then use these specialisations

Liturgy of Apat - Defaults to Theology -6

Requires Theology 16

Hard technique. This is the knowledge of the little used liturgy of Apat

Theology Alhedra - Defaults to Theology -2
Theology Akur - Defaults to Theology -2, or Church Law -2
Theology Etra - Defaults to Theology -2
Theology Finneal - Defaults to Theology -2
Theology Lud - Defaults to Theology -2
Theology Nathaniel - Defaults to Theology -2

Average techniques, cannot exceed Theology +4

These are the theologies of the Major Saints.These are fairly well known to most priests.

Theology Cerastus - Defaults to Theology -4
Theology Elphastus - Defaults to Theology -4
Theology Dumas - Defaults to Theology -4
Theology Kerios - Defaults to Theology -4
Theology Osseka - Defaults to Theology -4
Theology Yesuva - Defaults to Theology -4

Hard Techniques, cannot exceed Theology +4

These are the theologies of minor saints, or saints whose worship is either especially complex (Yesuva) or nearly forgotten (Elphastus)

Theology Minor Saint - Defaults to Theology -5

Average techniques, requires theology 15

There are many minor saints each with their own histories and teachings. For the most part most clerics do not learn all the details about these saints, so answering specific questions about them is quite difficult.


The Ritual Skill has the same specialisations as the Theology skill, and at the same defaults and difficulty as the theology ones.

Church Law

History of Law - Defaults to Church Law -3

Requires Church Law 14, Required for Church Law 16+

Average specialisation, cannot exceed Church Law. This is the knowledge of the development and history of the Law

Forbidden Books - Defaults to Church Law -3

Requires Chuch Law 16, Required for Church Law 17+

Average specailisiation, cannot exceed Church Law +2. This is the knowledge of the various forbidden works of the church. A roll against this is needed to recognise, remember or describe such works. This does not mean that the priest always knows their contents however.

Heresies - Defaults to Church Law -4

Requires Church Law 16, Required for Church Law 18+

Average specialisation. This is the knoweldge of the history, practices and behaviours of the various major heresies. Such information, like the forbidden works, is often well guarded and official permission may be needed to learn some of this knoweldge fully.