
The town of Jarrow is dominated by its monestary. Although the control of the town is nominally in the hands of the ArchDeacon of Jarrow, Hierach Sindar (of Inshaku), most of the fields and houses actually belong to the monestary in one way or another. The Monestary has grown rich on such funds, much richer, in fact, than the city monestaries, and many of the City monks have suggested that they be given greater shares of land outside the city walls themselves to inprove their own Capital.

The Monestary of Jarrow was founded in the year 201 by the priest Hergan of Esta, who had written a complex analysis of the monsastic lifestyle and how it might bring one closer to God. Eager to test his theory Hergran journeyed to what was then an uninhabited crossroads and founded his monestary. Many flocked to his new establishment and over the years the Order of Jarrow thrived and a significant town grew up around it. Such was the success of Hergran's doctrines of work and piety that the large Monestary of the Blessed Martyr's was founded in the center of Tanaloth to carry his word to the people. Since then many monastic settlements, both large and small, have been founded across the land and islands by the Monks of Jarrow.