The Tourney

Honor and Prestige

Honor and prestige define a Knight. The more prestige he has the greater the respect the King has for him, the more likley he is to get combat from other important knights, and the more fame another knight gets for beating him. The more Honor a Knight has the more the ladies of the court will approve of him, and the more the crowd wil cheer him on. A Dishonorable Knight, on the other hand, is little loved by the court or crowd, but can employ many dishonorable tricks that would be below a Paragon, and may associate with the less savoury side of the Tourney.

You mark your Prestige and Honor on your character record, by filling in the circles with a pencil.


A new knight starts with an Honor of 0, they have neither done anything worthy of note, nor acted like a cur. By acting honorably, such as waiting for a fallen opponent to rise, offering a hand to a downed man, and so forth honor may rise. If a Knight does dishonorable things, using a flail in the lists, striking a downed man, refusing to let a foe yeild, then his honor will fall.

When making an Etiquette roll with the Queen you always add (or subtract) your honor to the roll.


A new knight starts with a prestige of 1. When they win combats their prestige will rise, and it will fall if they should lose fights. Prestige, unlike Honor, however, never can go below 1. If a knight beats a knight of much higher standing their Prestige will go up more, just as it will fall more should an inferior knight beat them. A knight may challenge a knight of any prestige, but if the challenged knight has a prestige 5 or more greater than the challenger he may simply decline.

When making an Etiquette roll with the King you always add your prestige to the roll.