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Rank 3

Requires Fire Wall.

A variant on the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Brushfire is an extended line of flame that will sweep through grasslands, undergrowth or other flammable foliage under the Mage's direction. When cast the Mage gestures at a spot up to 10+Level Legats away, causing a wall of flame to spring up and then spread out to a length of 2xLevel in Legats. Each subsequent round the Brushfire spreads one Legat further on each end, and moves away from the Mage at a Move equal to the Mage's Level on Initiative 5. Anyone caught by the Brushfire takes 2D4 fire damage. The Mage may concentrate to alter the direction of the burn (using his action), but the wall cannot turn back over already burnt land, and will be stopped if it reaches an area where there is no fuel. The Brushfire burns for a number of rounds equal to the Mage's Level, though it may be extended by paying 1 Fatigue each round after this.

Multiple Magi can combine their Brushfires into one spell, creating a single line that joins end to end. A combined Brushfire gains +1 Move, +1 Damage and +1 Initiative for each additional wall, as well as the bonus of length, and has free duration equal to the best wall involved. If any Magi involved ceases to Extend their segment the Brushfire breaks up into multiple parts.
power+1 free rounds of duration per 2 Power Levels